OGP National Action Plan Development Webinar

OGP Webinar: “2016 OGP National Action Plan Development.”

Sponsored by the OGP Support Unit and the World Bank

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m (US) EST (That’s 2am creeping into Wednesday March 2 in Sydney)

Language: English

REGISTER for this webinar: HERE


Over the course of the next months, over 50 governments will engage, along with civil society, in the co-creation of their new National Action Plans (NAPs). The co-creation of NAPs lays at the heart of the OGP, through which countries will present new reform commitments for the next two-year period. The OGP Support Unit is tasked with providing the necessary assistance to support governments and CSOs in the co-creation of more ambitious, transformative, and overall stronger action plans.

Drawing on good practices and experiences obtained from previous support provided in the development of action plans, this webinar aims to walk participants through the action plan development process, key deadlines, tools, and techniques for drafting clear commitments and high quality action plans.

More at https://opengovernment.org.au/2016/02/24/march-1st-national-action-plan-development-webinar/