ICT-Mediated Citizen Engagement: Voice or Chatter?

10 am (US) EDT

12 Midnight-1am Australian Eastern Standard Time.

In this webinar, IT for Change will present the results of eight empirical multi-country case studies of citizen engagement through ICTs they undertook. This research, funded by Making All Voices Count, explored in each case how new forms of participation were shaped by IT, how IT affected power relations between government and citizens, and how the interactions between different actors continuously shape governance. This research provides insights into how citizen engagement using IT should be evaluated and highlights policy issues and governance practices that matter for meaningful, IT-based, citizen engagement.


In order to participate in this Webinar, you will need to be registered in the GPSA Knowledge Platform and logged in. If you did not create your account yet, do it here a few days before the webinar. If you are already registered to the Knowledge Platform, you do not need to do anything.

Just log in the platform and go here on June 28, at least 20 minutes before 10:00 am EST. A link to the webinar will be provided.