Australian Open Government

Australian Open Government Partnership Civil Society Network


Open letter to incoming government on steps to complete OGP national action plan

22nd June 2016

Prompt action needed to broaden the dialogue and establish multi stakeholder partnership arrangement On 17 May  the Chair of the Australian Open Government Partnership Network Steering Committee, Dr David Solomon wrote to the Prime Minister about the Open Government Partnership urging the government to advise the Co-chairs of the international OGP Steering Committee that the…

OGP role in anti-corruption and sustainable development

11th May 2016

Australian Open Government Partnership Steering Committee member Phil Newman, CEO of Transparency International Australia, is in London for this week’s Anti-Corruption Summit. Minister for Justice Michael Keenan is also there to announce a number of initiatives. Sanjay Pradhan the new OGP Support Unit CEO will address the Summit tomorrow and stress the vital role OGP…

OGP acts to sideline Azerbaijan after threats to civil society

5th May 2016

From Paul Maassen, OGP Support Unit. [And congratulations to Khadija Ismayilova, an investigative journalist from Azerbaijan, chosen to receive the 2016 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize.] Cape Town, South Africa, May 4, 2016 – The Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership today resolved that Azerbaijan will be regretfully designated as inactive in OGP,…

Civil Society members of OGP Steering Committee

28th April 2016

Australia has a lot of catching up to do with the OGP international community but somewhere down the track, one of our own might be a contender!! From Paul Maassen Director, Civil Society Engagement  Open Government Partnership Support Unit based in Brussels: (Details of the selection process here) We’re delighted to announce the names of…

Make plans for Paris in December

28th April 2016

The OGP Global Summit 2016 will take place in Paris on December 7, 8 and 9, with the Civil Society Day on the 7th. In announcing the event, the Minister of State for State Reform and Simplification said I am pleased to launch this year’s Open Government Partnership World Summit, and thereby to promote, via…

Canberra workshop the next step in developing National Action Plan

9th April 2016

Suggestions from outside government of commitments for inclusion in the plan closed on 31 March. Those who made a suggestion on the government Wiki have been invited to a workshop in Canberra on Monday 11 April. With no government funding or other assistance to get to Canberra participation has proved difficult for many but late…

Melbourne and Sydney briefings-OGP: the International Stage

6th April 2016

The Network has organised briefings in Melbourne and Sydney next week, taking advantage of the visit by Shreya Basu, the Singapore based OGP Regional Civil Society Coordinator who will be attending the Australian National Action Plan Workshop in Canberra on 11 April. Places are strictly limited because of the venues so please be quick if…

OGP developments on the big stage

20th March 2016

Civil Society members of the OGP Steering Committee in a recent planning session agreed to push for a revision of the guidelines for civil society consultation, with the idea to raise the bar from “consultation” to “co-creation” in order to synergize meaningful civil society engagement in the OGP process; supported the creation of a new…

Australia’s National Action Plan-need your help before next Wednesday

17th March 2016

I’m encouraging you and your organisation to share information about your contribution or your thinking about priority issues that should be flagged as we head towards PM&C’s close off date for suggestions at the end of March. There may be a hive of activity out there as Amelia Loye the consultant working with PM&C on…