Introducing OGP’s state and cities pilot program
The Australian Open Government Partnership Network has urged the Federal Government to take steps to bring state and local government along on the OGP journey.
Here’s the chance to hear more about OGP plans.
Another for Australian night owls and early risers-1am-2am Australian Eastern Standard Time on Friday 15 April.
"The Open Government Partnership (OGP) has launched an exciting pilot program designed to more proactively involve subnational governments in the initiative. With 44 applications from subnational governments interested in specifically working with OGP, and many more expressions of interest from governments and civil society organizations who want to be part of a broader network we are building, this is a really exciting time to introduce OGP’s upcoming work. By being part of this discussion, participants will learn more about why OGP wants to work with subnational governments, what they will get out of being part of this network and what is planned for the pilot program. This will also be a great opportunity for participants to provide questions and feedback from subnational communities, where many interesting ideas and innovations are taking place. The OGP is interested in knowing what kind of resources, activities and events would be most useful for the implementation of this pilot.