Uncategorised 23rd November 2016

Public Consultation on Draft Action Plan: The key message-stronger, bolder, clearer

by Peter Timmins

Overall the 63 published submissions lodged in response to the Draft Action Plan released for public comment on 31 October are positive in support of the breadth and scope of the draft commitments. Some submissions are critical of the process particularly the public engagement and consultation stages. Some propose new commitments that at this late juncture are unlikely to feature in this plan.

The many thoughtful suggestions put forward provide government with a real opportunity to improve the draft.

Most advocate a stronger, bolder statement of what the government intends to do during the two year period covered by the plan. And for a clear pathway of the steps to be taken to get there.

A plan of ambitious reforms would be a start towards addressing the lack of trust and confidence in government that the Prime Minister has referred to as a priority on a number of occasions since the election.

A failure to take on board important issues raised in submissions won’t advance that agenda and will play into the hands of those who remain unconvinced that the government is serious in its embrace of open government.

We have obtained the round up of key issues in comments and suggestions on draft commitments prepared by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. The document does not cover other issues raised in submissions about the process and other sections of the draft plan.

In posts to follow we will include the comments and suggestions made on each commitment.

We understand PM&C intend to publish feedback on how input was incorporated once the Plan is finalised.