14th September 2016
The fifth anniversary of the foundation meeting of the Open Government Partnership will be celebrated on 20 September at a gathering in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly during Leaders Week. I’m not sure if Prime Minister Turnbull will be there at that time but presumably some ministers such as Minister…
14th September 2016
The second meeting of the Interim Working Group yesterday saw further progress in developing draft commitments proposed for inclusion in Australia’s OGP National Action Plan. Agenda and papers for the meeting have been published and minutes will be published in the next day or so. Still a way to go and a third meeting is…
12th September 2016
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has published information about the first meeting of the Interim Working Group established to assist with the development of Australia’s National Action Plan including papers distributed to participants and minutes, and an outline of the process through to completion. It was a positive meeting with government and non government…
2nd September 2016
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet announced this week appointments to the Interim Working Group to assist in the development of Australia’s OGP National Action Plan Four of the six non government positions are filled by Network members Coghill, Szuminska, Timmins and Zirnsak. The first meeting of the group will take place in Canberra on…
26th August 2016
Expressions of Interest in participating in the Open Government Partnership Interim Working Group established by Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet closed on Wednesday. PM&C has announced 40 applications were received. https://ogpau.govspace.gov.au/submissions-for-the-interim-working-group-are-now-closed/ To my knowledge ten members of the Network submitted nominations. There may be others in the 40- along with interested applicants who haven’t…
22nd August 2016
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet last Thursday called for expressions of interest for the non government Co- Chair position and (probably) five non government member positions on the proposed 12 person Open Government Partnership Interim Working Group. The closing date for nominations is 5pm Wednesday 23 August. A spokesperson for PM&C told The…
19th August 2016
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has called for expressions of interest to join an Interim Working Group to help co-draft Australia’s National Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The call follows the announcement last week that after a hiatus of several months the government is “eager to continue working together to…
10th August 2016
In response to the invitation from Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to make suggestions about consultation and engagement on the national action plan: “The Australian Open Government Partnership Network welcomes the statement issued on 4 August that the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet will be seeking to further engage with the public, civil…
4th August 2016
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet yesterday posted the statement below on the Wiki, the first public announcement since April on preparation of Australia’s OGP national action plan. Several points the Steering Committee has made to government on behalf of the Network in recent months- the need for more time, more scope, more ambition- are…
30th June 2016
Labor and the Coalition have responded to Transparency International Australia on its Open Letter to Political Parties and candidates contesting the 2016 Federal Election. The Greens and NXT did not send a response, but in those links are on the public record to some extent regarding the issues raised by TIA. TIA rates Labor’s response…
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